Industry News

Does Your Home Need Lead Testing and Removal?

Much like asbestos, lead-based paint was commonly used in construction projects before it was discovered to create harmful side effects. It was in heavy use here in the US until the late 1970s, and remains popular in some parts of the world.

Today, we fully understand the importance of removing lead-based paints whenever they are found in commercial or residential spaces. This toxin has been associated with many serious health risks, including:

  • Slower growth and development in babies
  • Nervous system and kidney damage in children
  • Higher rates of reproductive complications in adults

Because they love to put fingers and objects in their mouth, babies are especially susceptible to lead poisoning. This makes lead testing all the more important if you have little ones around any old and potentially harmful paint. If you are pregnant, the presence of contaminated paint could harm your baby’s development.

Homes constructed prior to 1950 are the most likely to contain lead paint. Homes built before 1977 are somewhat less likely to be affected, but they still remain good candidates for testing. The shocking thing is that even a home built in the last few years may be endangered if it is in the wrong location.

If your property is located in close proximity to freeways and major roadways, it is possible for leaded gasoline exhaust to collect in dangerous amounts. Your soil may have abnormally high lead content that would lead to health risks.

Asbestos Abatement, Inc. has RRP certification that makes us a great choice for any Denver lead removal needs. We handle projects on all types of properties and buildings. If you suspect lead poisoning is affecting you, please contact us right away to learn more about the services we provide.

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