Industry News

Asbestos and Commercial Roofing

Asbestos is a problem that plagues many commercial buildings built before the 1980s. It can be found in roofing materials, wall materials, flooring and insulation. When you have a property that’s contaminated with asbestos, it’s important that you stay away from the area as much as possible to avoid exposure. Starting a reroofing or remodeling project before the threat is cleared could be a serious hazard to all employees and customers that use your building.

If you have yet to have your roof inspected, it’s time to do so.

What Roof Materials Have Asbestos?

Since a lot of the older model roofs typically contained asbestos fibers, it’s especially important to get an inspection if your roof was installed before the 1980s. While the use of asbestos in roofing materials has dropped substantially since then, it is still all too common. If you fear that you have an asbestos contamination on your hands, it’s better to be safe than sorry.

Here is a list of the commercial roof materials that are most likely to contain asbestos:

  • Shingles
  • Flashing
  • Felts
  • Sealants
  • Mastics
  • Decking
  • Coatings
  • Adhesives
  • Vapor retardants
  • Underlayment

How to Find Out if Your Roof Has Asbestos

According to an experienced contractor at Erotas Building Corp, a MN luxury home builder, there is only one way to know for sure whether your commercial roof has asbestos: “You should have your property tested by professionals. An inspector can take samples of the asbestos and have it tested in a lab.” Another Minneapolis roofing contractor we spoke with added: “Once you determine that you have asbestos, your top priority should be to find licensed asbestos removal professionals with a strong track record on commercial projects.”

After your property has been cleared by an inspector, or after asbestos abatement professionals have removed the threat, it will be safe to proceed with any roof remodeling or installation projects you had planned. That’s the smart way to do your commercial roofing in Denver.

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