What you need to know-Asbestos 101

Asbestos 101- what you need to know   Almost everyone knows that asbestos can cause serious disease. But what is it and why is it so harmful to our health?   A brief overview of the pesky mineral   Asbestos is a...
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Asbestos is illegal in the US, right?

No.  Many people are surprised to hear that asbestos is STILL LEGAL in the United States.  Can’t be true?   In 1989, the EPA banned asbestos in the US, but in 1991 the 5th circuit Court of Appeals overturned the ruling. https://www.epa.gov/asbestos/asbestos-ban-and-phase-out-federal-register-notices...
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Fire Damage Asbestos Removal

When asbestos is exposed to extreme heat, it can become brittle and breakable and transform into a very serious health hazard. For this reason, great care needs to be taken during cleanup after fire damage in a property that contains asbestos. Only...
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Asbestos Construction Sites in Colorado

Asbestos has long been a popular material for builders. Despite all that we know about the harmful effects of this toxic substance, it is still found in many homes and buildings throughout the nation. Because of its popularity as a building material,...
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